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Augmentative and Alternative Communication (aac)


Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) refers to any means of communicating other than speech. Several options are available depending on the needs and abilities of an individual: unaided/no-tech (e.g. gestures, sign language), low-tech (e.g. writing, communication boards with pictures), and high-tech (e.g. tablets with communication apps, computers). Also depending on the person’s needs and abilities, more than one AAC system (e.g. gestures + tablet) can be used at a time.​



One cereal,



Aside from facilitating effective and efficient communication, AAC also helps with language development (Drager, Light, & McNaughton, 2010).


AAC can be used in conjunction with speech. It will not hinder speech development; in some cases, it even facilitates it (Millar, Light, & Schlosser, 2006)


AAC is appropriate for individuals with no speech, little speech, or poorly understandable speech. It can be used by both children and adults alike. Age, cognitive skills, and medical condition are not considered in determining a person’s "candidacy" for AAC. 


This video made by the second batch of graduates of the AAC certificate course addresses myths related to AAC:





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College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines Manila, Pedro Gil St., Manila, Philippines

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